Cartus identifies top global relocation destinations

Jul 14 | 2017

Every year, companies expand or more firmly establish their presence in countries around the world where labour and market conditions will favour business growth. What countries are companies sending their employees to this year and how do they compare with the top destinations of four years ago?

According to Cartus Corporation the United States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland rank as the top three on a list of ten – a ranking that was established by culling data from its worldwide client base, which includes more than 50% of Fortune 50 companies and approximately 163,000 corporate and affinity relocations in nearly 150 countries in 2016.

While many of the top ten destination countries for global assignments remained fairly constant, there were some notable changes in the ranking: Switzerland moved into third place, while China fell to eighth, Ireland and Canada moved into the top ten, while France and Hong Kong dropped off the bottom. In terms of volume trends, overall, corporate respondents to Cartus’ 2016 Global Mobility Policy and Practices survey say that relocation is alive and well, with 47% expecting international assignments to increase and 45% expecting it to stay the same over the next two years.

The Cartus top ten destinations are:

1. The United States: a culture known for prizing punctuality and efficiency.

2. The United Kingdom: a healthy economy, liberal policies that protect the country’s growth, and a large, culturally diverse population.

3. Switzerland: one of the highest per capita incomes in the world, along with low unemployment rates and prominent labour specialisation.

4. Singapore: a reputation for governing with integrity and is considered to be one of the easiest places to do business.

5. The Netherlands: committed to neutrality, tolerance and global cooperation … an ideal place for international organisations.

6. Germany: the industrial powerhouse of Europe with the second-largest financial concentration after London.

7. India: more investment-friendly political policies, provides companies with access to a highly skilled, cost-efficient workforce and opportunities for growth.

8. China: access to a continually growing market, a skilled labour force, a daunting but favourable business atmosphere, a rapidly growing economy and increasing consumer wealth.

9. Canada: a strong economy and a labour force with a high percentage of college-educated individuals.

10. Ireland: favourable corporate tax rates and a skilled, young, highly educated workforce attract a variety of industries.

Expanding internationally provides a company with diversification and financial growth, but also exposure to new cultures and all the benefits that go with that. The opportunities to gain a competitive advantage are many, and so are the individual benefits associated with each of the top destinations where Cartus has seen its employers turn their focus this year.

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