Reviewing the rules

Jul 02 | 2020

It’s been nearly two months now since the UK government gave moving companies the green light to start work again. Since then there is plenty of activity reported with enquiries to estate agents going off the scale, potentially stacking up demand for movers in the very near future.

But until the risk of infection is removed with a reliable vaccine, or the consequences of serious illness are reduced through more effective treatments, it is vitally important that moving companies stick to the rules of engagement.  So, for that reason, it’s probably worth publishing them again, just in case anyone is in doubt.

  • Removal firms are able to operate and should follow the latest government guidance on safer working. Where moves are carried out, social distancing should be followed. Companies should ensure employees understand how to operate safely and communicate this to customers.
  • Removers should contact the household in advance to check that no member of the household is showing symptoms of coronavirus or self-isolating. If they are, works should be delayed.
  • They should also encourage households to ensure all internal doors are open and surfaces and possessions have been cleaned with household cleaning products prior to them entering the property.
  • No work should be carried out by a person who has coronavirus symptoms, however mild.
  • Removers should wash their hands on entering the property using separate towels or paper towels which need to be washed or disposed of safely after use.
  • Removers should seek to minimise contact with homeowners and remain two metres apart from householders at all times.
  • Removers should implement a buddy system and ensure that the same people work together when moving bulky items and furniture.
  • Removers should bring their own refreshments, but crews should have access to hand washing facilities, using separate towels or paper towels if possible, which should be washed or disposed of safely afterwards.

Full guidance covering other aspects of the moving process can be viewed here.

Removers should employ a buddy system and wash their hands on entering the property