Turning Up the Gas on Flame Recruit

Jan 14 | 2014

Flame Recruit started providing recruitment services for the moving industry in May 2013. As the company takes on more staff and moves to new offices, Steve Jordan talked to the company’s MD, Ray Inskip, to check on progress.

Since Flame Recruit first opened for business the global recession has receded somewhat. These encouraging recent developments combined with a lot of hard work have meant that Ray has been able to expand the business and employ Steve Maples, with whom he’d worked in the past.  At the same time the company has expanded into new premises in Maldon, Essex.


“I was getting to a point where I needed a second pair of hands to help me run the business,” said Ray. “With the extra help I am able to provide an even better service and get a great deal more work done on the development side of the company too.”


Ray explained that having had previous experience working with Steve, he knew where his strengths lay and knew that he was very good at building relationships within the moving industry. Between the pair of them, they have about 20 years' experience as consultants and have placed many professionals within prominent companies worldwide.


“We are finding new jobs for people across the whole spectrum, from commercial, domestic, international, relocation and fine art packaging. We look out for permanent positions from directorships to entry level – we don’t limit ourselves,” Ray continued.


A high proportion of Flame Recruit’s work comes from the UK market but the company also has a good record of placing people overseas especially in China, the UAE and Malaysia.  He is mindful of the fact that the industry is in a constant state of flux. Some years there may be numerous vacancies and opportunities in export packing, whilst during other years domestic removals may see an increase.


“During the recession instead of cutting staff, many companies in the removal trade reduced hours. It wasn’t over prevalent but some companies needed to lower their overheads,” said Steve. “There was also a rise in the amount of ‘zero hour’ contracts which mean that employees with one would only work ‘as and when’ required.”  With the jobs market stabilising both Ray and Steve expressed that a reversal of these measures had already occurred with the industry experiencing a steady increase of vacancies in the trade.


When asked about how using a recruitment agency can be more effective than using a newspaper advert to find staff, Ray is quick to share his opinion.


Whilst an advert may be cheaper in the first instance, Flame Recruit includes many services in its finder’s fee. Essentially, it works as a filter, selecting the best applicants and saving the employer hours of extra work. Flame can hold interviews, conduct competency tests or verify qualifications. “That can all take a company weeks, but we can have it done in a few days,” explained Ray (see The Mover , May 2013 page 19).


Ray has been a familiar face at conferences for many years.  He recently attended The Mover conference and IAM in Vancouver.  “Everyone seems very positive about the business now,” said Ray. “It’s a time for expansion now, not the cutbacks we have seen in the last few years.”


Photos: Ray Inskip and Steve Maples

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