IAM in Toronto

Dec 08 | 2023

An overview of the world’s biggest moving conference, from Steve Jordan.

Brian Limperopulos I have just come back from the IAM (International Association of Movers) conference in Toronto, held from 9–12 October.  As many will know this is the industry’s biggest event, by far, and one that a large proportion of the world's international movers attend.  I have often extolled the virtues of IAM, though I know it’s not for everyone.  Many people say, disparagingly, that it’s too busy, just a mass of people, a bear pit, and many more idiomatic expressions to voice their disapproval.  Yet they keep coming back each year and always seem to be smiling.  Maybe it’s just the fashion to say they don’t like it, when actually they do.

I do like it.  I have said so before.  I find it extraordinary that the whole industry comes together, in that one place, at that moment.  I also enjoy the unashamed promotional opportunity it gives everyone.  IAM is no place for quiet reserve or even, dare I say, the British stiff upper lip.  No, if you go to IAM you roll up your sleeves and get stuck in. Marvellous!

That said, and at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I am always disappointed that more people don’t attend the carefully planned public meetings that take place throughout the event.  I was only able to stay for a couple of days because of other commitments, but those I did attend were very well done and tackled important topics.  But one in particular, on sustainability, which was introduced by Chuck White as a potential existential threat to all our businesses, was attended by only 20 or so people. What a shame.

Conversely, I understand (for I had left by then) that the meetings about the new US military contract were well attended and somewhat rowdy affaires.  That shows the strength of feeling surrounding that topic.

IAM in Toronto Elsewhere in this issue I have reported on Chuck White’s final ‘State of IAM’ presentation and his handover to Brian Limperopulos. The theme for the whole event was ‘The Power of Trust’ and it was during this presentation, and others elsewhere, that this principle came through strongly.  IAM’s strategy for the future is to try to bring the industry together to be more professional in its dealings with each other and with customers. It is already making progress with the former.  I fear that the latter will be a harder nut to crack.

As far as the mechanics of the conference goes, I was very impressed ...

Photo: Brian Limperopulous.


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