On 10 March, 2015 Santa Fe rebranded Interdean to Santa Fe Relocation Services.

The company is now known as Santa Fe globally. Sharp-eyed readers of The Mover will have noticed that the company’s advertising changed last month to reflect the rebranding. Unfortunately the editorial announcement was not received in time for the April issue.
Martin Thaysen, Group CEO said, “This change underlines Santa Fe’s position as a global leader for mobility and relocation services. Our worldwide coverage means that our customers can now experience the Santa Fe brand in all 56 countries we operate in around the world. Santa Fe’s processes, systems and culture are all consistent around the world, and now our brand name is too. Having a single global brand simplifies communication and makes it easier for our customers.”
The European brand transition is part of Santa Fe’s global strategy and follows the transition of the company’s global mobility business in Australia to Santa Fe Relocation Services in May 2014.