Bishop’s Move relocates UK dental charity free of charge.

Jun 17 | 2019

Bishop’s Move has helped dental charity Dentaid relocate from its former site near Salisbury in Wiltshire to new accommodation in Totton, Hampshire, by providing its services free of charge.

Bishop's Move (dental charity)Dentaid supports dentists around the world by reconditioning dental equipment and producing portable surgeries that can be used to run outreach clinics in poor and remote communities.

Moving a warehouse full of dental equipment, in addition to Dentaid’s head office, was a huge task and the team from Bishop’s Move paid three visits to the charity.  They also moved thousands of toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste used for oral health projects around the world and hundreds of boxes of dental instruments, which the charity uses to provide outreach dental care overseas and for homeless and vulnerable people in the UK.

Dentaid CEO Andy Evans said, “Our charity sends large quantities of dental equipment around the world and our warehouse is always a hive of activity.  We had several lorry-loads of equipment to move and for Bishop’s Move to donate the services of their vehicles and staff in this way was incredibly generous.  All the staff at Dentaid are very grateful to the Bishop’s Move team and we’re looking forward to starting work in our new premises.”

Photo: Members of the relocation team from Bishop’s Move and Dentaid with Bishop’s Move Branch Manager Stuart Jacobs, third from left, and Catherine Stratten, Bishop’s Move Business Relocation Development Manager, far right.