What’s the whole story?

The truth is, The Mover has never really been a news publication.  We started publishing in 2011 and, by that time, the Internet and social media were in full swing.  I know you can get your industry news faster by just flicking through a few platforms on your phones.  No, this magazine has always been feature led and will continue to be so.  With a monthly schedule I know we can never be first with news, the holy grail of all journalists. But we offer something else.

Firstly, we have our website, which does carry news as it happens and we always publish your news items on our social media channels as they come in. So, by sending your news to us, as well as posting it yourself, you are getting exposure that would have been impossible on your own.  But there is another reason to send us your news. 

Think about it!  You post something on LinkedIn about your company.  Yes it might be seen, but it’s you telling the world how good you are.  Self praise has never been a particularly endearing quality and many might think, ‘well they would say that wouldn’t they’.  Contrast that with the reaction when we publish something about you.  That’s us, with more than a bucket load of experience, deciding that your story is of sufficient interest to take up precious space in our magazine.  See the difference?  Self praise versus third-party referral.  I know what I would prefer.

So, my message is to use your social media platforms, but send your news to us as well.  We can do something different, and I believe more valuable, with it. And remember, a story published in The Mover is there forever and instantly retrievable through our website at any time. Social media is here today – and, well, gone today as well.

There is another angle.  I take nothing at first sight.  I question things and explore when I think something doesn’t add up or if a story creates more questions than it answers.  Many of the feature stories in The Mover are prompted by a simple press release that I thought might be hiding a bigger, much more interesting tale.  Most journalists scrabble to be first.  For me, I’d rather let social media be first while I take my time, do a little digging, sort out the hype from the reality, and provide you with the whole story.

Click here to read the magazine in full.

Steve Jordan, Editor, The Mover