EU introduces new rules for more automation in vehicles

Aug 02 | 2022

New EU rules to introduce a range of mandatory advanced driver assistance systems to cars came into force on 12 July, 2022.

The new safety measures aim to protect passengers, pedestrians, and cyclists across the EU, and are predicted to save over 25,000 lives and avoid at least 140,000 serious injuries by 2038.  The new Vehicle General Safety Regulation also establishes the legal framework for the approval of automated and fully driverless vehicles in the EU.

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe fit for the Digital Age said, “Technology helps us to increase the level of safety of our cars. The new advanced and mandatory safety features will further help reduce the number of casualties. Today, we are also making sure that our rules enable us to safely introduce autonomous and driverless vehicles in the EU in a framework that puts the safety of people at the centre.”

European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton added, “Speed assistance, lane keeping and automated braking systems – our vehicles are increasingly automated. With the new vehicle safety legislation applying from today, Europe is making sure that this technology improves our citizens’ daily life, and that the automotive industry has a predictable and safe framework to continue rolling out innovative technology solutions and maintain its global competitiveness.”

New safety features to assist drivers will include; intelligent speed assistance, reversing detection with cameras or sensors, attention warning in case of driver drowsiness or distraction, event data recorders, lane keeping systems and automated braking.

Improved systems for recognising possible blind spots, warnings to prevent collisions with pedestrians or cyclists, and tyre pressure monitoring systems will be introduced for buses and trucks.

The Commission is also planning to adopt technical rules for automated and connected vehicles, particularly focussing on systems to replace the driver on motorways and for fully driverless vehicles such as urban shuttles or robotaxis. The new rules will align EU legislation with the UN level rules on level 3 automation.