Twenty-first century Eurovan

Oct 31 | 2022

Steve Jordan investigates Eurovan, the organisation that many thought had gone away, but remains a major part of the European and global moving scene.

Left to right: Maurice Schöbel, Andreas Kölling, Eric Butz, Tobia Crisostomo, Alexandre Terán.For many, the name Eurovan harks back to another era, back in the 1980s, when the organisation joined with CETI to form what is today OMNI.  Today it’s the same organisation, sort of, but times have changed, and the company has changed too.

Eurovan was originally formed in 1968 by some of the major moving companies in Europe to handle intra-European moves for the group. It was very successful during the 1970s and 80s but came under pressure from the Allied-owned CETI which precipitated the formation of OMNI in 1985.  Shortly after Eurovan disappeared from the European market becoming a dormant company.

In 2002, Confern in Germany stepped in and bought the majority of the shares. The new company was registered in Switzerland but wasn’t initially successful.  After restructuring as Eurovan Deutschland, with around a dozen members, it began to prosper.  Scroll forward to 2016 and the organisation decided to open its ambitions beyond Europe to include members from the rest of the world. Today it has around 55 members split 50/50 between Europe and elsewhere. 

Tobia Crisostomo, Head of Coordination for Eurovan, based at the company’s head office in Mannheim, Germany, explained the way the organisation works today ...

Photo: Andreas Kölling (left) and Tobia Crisostomo.

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