OMNI World Series: Cyber Security

Oct 03 | 2024

​On 14 August, 2024, OMNI (Overseas Moving Network International) held the latest of its ‘World Series’ webinar events aimed at providing high-level training and guidance to its members.

This time the topic was cyber security, a subject of great importance to business owners and senior managers and one that has been brought into sharp focus by recent industry events.

The speakers for the webinar were Andrius Januta, Cyber Security Technical Manager with Nord Security in Lithuania; Ajay Soni, Business Unit Head for Cyber Security at Writer Information in India; and Andrew Smith, Account Executive with Reason Global Insurance in the UK.  The webinar was moderated by Steve Jordan, Editor of The Mover magazine.

Ajay explained the structure of the Writer Group.  He went on to explain that no company is safe from cyber attack and provided some ideas about how companies could protect themselves. He said the core elements for a sound cyber security process are ‘protect’, ‘detect’ and ‘respond’. Of these the ‘protect’ element, at the point of entry, is the most important with firewalls, anti-virus, anti-ransomware and other protection.  ‘Detect’ and ‘respond’ work together to identify any kind of unusual behaviour and respond appropriately. He pointed out that a cyber attack could take place over several months and remain dormant until the attacker has the right level of privileges in place. “It’s a slow and ongoing process, so your systems need to be very sophisticated.”

Andrius looked at some essential cyber security practices that everyone could adopt ...

OMNI World Series - Cyber Security speakers

Photo: Speakers at OMNI's World Series webinar (left to right) - Andrius Januta, Cyber Security Technical Manager, Nord Security; Ajay Soni, Business Unit Head for Cyber Security, Writer Information; Andrew Smith, Account Executive, Reason Global Insurance; Steve Jordan, Editor, The Mover magazine.

Click here to read the full story in The Mover magazine.

Click here to read the next editor’s pick.