Holly Rincón from Clover Systems in Miami has become the president of LACMA (Latin American and Caribbean International Movers Association), based in Maimi.
She has been on the LACMA Board for 14 years and took over the two-year, presidential role from Santiago Bosch, from Lift Van in Argentina, in March 2024. LACMA has been representing the needs of its members from Latin America and the Caribbean, and worldwide, for 55 years. Holly’s father, Luis Alfredo Rincón, was LACMA president in 1970-72.
In a recent interview for The Mover, Holly explained some of the challenges LACMA has faced in recent years, and is still facing today, and how the organisation is working to provide an efficient, and relevant network for its members today.
“We have three main types of membership,” she explained, “Active, Associate and Industry Suppliers. Active members are all international household goods movers in Latin America and the Caribbean. Associate members are those international moving companies from the rest of the world. The remainder are suppliers to the industry. During the pandemic our membership dropped a little, however, we have been progressively building it back up again, and we are very proud to say that we are back to a good number of members.”
Holly explained that to be accepted into LACMA, companies need to have been trading for at least two years, confirm their tonnage volumes, provide pictorial evidence of their facilities, present their audited financials and provide letters of recommendation from existing members. Member companies must also abide by the Payment Guarantee Program (PGP) first launched in 2005.
Holly explained that every president works on increasing membership. So, what is the sales message for LACMA? ...
Photo: Holly Rincón.