Rennie Schafer, CEO of the Self Storage Association (SSA), spoke at The Movers and Storers Show about technology in the self storage sector, how its changing and what that means to operators.
His message was clear. He said that there was a time when self storage was considered to be a ‘future proof’ business. But now, technology is changing that rapidly. He said that the decisions you make now about technology will influence how you are able to interact with your customers in the future.
Electronic locks, for example, were a major development that has come in over the last few years. They are App-based locks that allow customers to open their self storage units using an App on their phones. This has benefits for the customers, because they no longer have to carry keys and can, through the App, give other people access if required. They have benefits for businesses too because they provide data about, for example, how often customers use units and how long they stay. “You can charge more to a customer who uses the unit regularly because they see the value of self storage,” Rennie said.
He said that it would be just a matter of time before all units use electronic locks so operators simply need to make the decision about when to invest. “In 10 years there will be nothing else.”
App-based access to the site is also an important development. Customers simply need to have the App on their phones for the external barrier to allow them access. Access control can also be zoned to ensure people do not access areas where they are not authorised.
This will allow the growth of fully automatic sites. These can be very small because they don’t need to support a full-time member of staff so, in future, it’s possible that we could see many small, automated sites controlled centrally. “Automation can change the way operators think about self storage.”
Rennie said, however, he didn't see a future where we have completely automated stores for everyone ...
Photo: Rennie Schafer, CEO of the SSA, spoke at The Movers and Storers Show.