Solidarity in times of COVID

Jan 21 | 2021

Mudinmar in Spain recently heard that the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception in Cuellar, Spain, wanted to make a generous donation of goods and clothing to the Church of Santa Maria del Monte in Mexico, for the benefit of the most disadvantaged people there. Jocelyn Zevallos, Senior Sales Executive of Mudinmar, set to work to provide some help.

Mudinmar's warehouse

By consolidating the shipment and taking advantage of the good connections between Spain and South America, Jocelyn managed to load the donation in a container to the Port of Veracruz, reducing transport costs to a minimum. Despite the restrictions on international mobility at that time due to the emerging situation of COVID-19, Jocelyn worked hard to find solutions and coordinate the shipment together with the agents of Interactive Moving. The donation was made possible thanks to Jocelyn's commitment and teamwork with Mexican mobility experts.

On a national level, the Spanish removal company also made its contribution to society, moving the facilities of La Fe Hospital in Valencia during its expansion to receive and treat COVID patients.

Earlier in the year, Mudinmar organised a charity move for the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception in Toluca, Mexico. Jocelyn said that 2020 has been a complicated year for business and for the quality of life of society in general. “However, the difficulties have not succeeded in undermining such human values as solidarity between the companies that make up the global mobility industry.”

The year 2020 ends for Mudinmar with the opening of a new branch in the capital of Spain, Madrid, under the label 'Mudinmar Removals Madrid' and the transfer of its warehouses and offices from its main branch to new, larger and improved premises in the municipality of Picassent in Valencia (Spain). The facilities have up to 7,000m2 of land, with specialised chambers for the storage of works of art, and seven loading docks.