Going greener in Malaysia

Apr 13 | 2022

MY Moving in Malaysia, run by Steve Lewis, has signed with ecolegIT, an all-new sustainability programme for the moving and global mobility industry that not only compensates the CO2 emission of individual moves, but that structurally changes how these moves are performed (see story in The Mover, March 2022, page 35).

My Moving Sustainability Steve said that this is just part of a programme of environmental changes adopted by his company, including: choosing partners that have adopted clean-burning vehicle fleets, going paperless, using recyclable boxes and using reusable moving bins and crates. “Using video surveys has reduced the time we take on pre-move surveys and the need to travel,” he explained. “Our gas emissions and fuel consumption has reduced significantly as we no longer need to be physically present for consultations.”

Steve said that reducing the impact on the environment will take a long time so it needs a collective approach. “Even though some companies believe that focussing on their own sustainable practices is enough, the best companies take the responsibility to work with other eco-friendly businesses. The chain is only as strong as its weakest link.  Customers today are also more sustainability conscious, which means we must all adapt, or we will be phased out.”

“Whether it is planting a tree, moving to a completely paperless system, or incorporating donation drives when purging storage belongings, it is up to each corporation along the supply chain to do its bit to see any kind of success. We believe that it is far better to work for the environment and invest in green practices now than to not have an environment to work in at all.”

Photo: MY Moving team.