Diversification for Portan in Colombia

Apr 27 | 2021

During the COVID crisis there has been much talk about how companies that have diversified into new business areas have been better set to meet the challenges as they have come along. One good example of this is Portan in Bogotá, Colombia.

Portan ArtIn August 2018, in what turned out to be a timely move, Portan S.A. set up a new business unit, Portan Art, to handle high-value art movements.  The department is run by Ana María Zuluaga, a professional with a background in art history and theory, as well as art curatorship with more than five years of both local and international experience. 

Since then, Portan Art has handled a wide range of projects, including packing artworks for two exhibitions commemorating Von Humboldt’s 250th birthday in Quito and Berlin; working with a Colombian artist to pack and ship drawings and paintings to an exhibition in Shanghai; and working with the Australian Embassy to coordinate the movement of several artworks to an art institution in Sydney.

“These projects require our team to follow strict packing protocols,” said Ana María. “Being able to meet all those criteria makes us proud, as it shows the greatness of our team and our ability to accommodate our clients’ needs while keeping the safety of the artworks as our main purpose.”

As well as packing and shipping services, Portan has introduced professional conservation and restoration services as part of its extended offering to art logistics and international moving partners.

Photo: Portan Art