London DVS grace period likely to be extended

Jul 16 | 2024

The Road Haulage Association (RHA) has advised that, following a meeting of the London Councils, the grace period for complying with the new Direct Vision Standard (DVS), due to come into operation on 28 October, 2024, is likely to be extended to six months, rather than three months.

This means that enforcement of the new Progressive Safe System (PSS) would begin from 4 May, 2025.

Councillors are meeting on Thursday (18 July) at the London Councils’ Transport and Environment Committee’s AGM where a decision is expected on the recommendation. More on this here.

The RHA has recently published a DVS Explainer document produced by the new standard’s authors Loughborough University to help firms better understand what they need to do to comply.  Click here to read the document.

The RHA is also hosting an event at its Worldwide House HQ in Peterborough on Monday, 22 July with Loughborough University where operators can find out first-hand about what kit should and shouldn’t do.

Click here for more details about the event.