After years of bad news about the number and aging population of HGV drivers in the UK, Logistics UK has now reported that successful training initiatives are improving the situation.
The Association’s recent Skills and Employment has revealed that the number of HGV drivers employed in the UK increased by almost 55,000 between Q3 2023 and Q3 2024, while targeted recruitment and training initiatives saw the number of drivers under 35 rise by 31,630.
According to Logistics UK, the total increase in UK HGV drivers in the 12 months to the end of Q3 2024 was 54,961, an increase of 20.9%. However, Logistics UK still believes that the industry is still over-reliant on drivers from older age groups with over 53% of drivers employed across the sector aged 50 and over, threatening potential shortages in the future.
Bethany Windsor, Head of Skills Policy at the organisation, explained that the growth in driver numbers reflects targeted recruitment, higher wages, and government-supported training to counteract post-EU Exit workforce gaps. “It is great news that more younger drivers are coming into the profession, but we cannot shy away from the reality that challenges in pay, conditions and workforce demographics still exist and can create recruitment and retention issues for the long term. Addressing these systemic problems, rather than focussing solely on the number of drivers available for work, may offer a more sustainable solution for the HGV industry in the UK.”
Logistics UK members can download the report here.