Obituary: Mark Dell

Jul 18 | 2011

Mark DellThe Mover  has just heard about the death of Mark Dell.  He died yesterday morning (17th July) following a heart attack.  He was just 49. 

Mark ran the family firm S. Dell & Sons in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire with his father, Geoff and his cousin, Tony.  Not only was Mark well respected as someone with extensive knowledge of the moving industry but someone who gave his time willingly to support it.  He had been a long standing member of the BAR National Council and, until recently, had been on the committee of the New Met Area ever since its inception.

Mark leaves behind his parents Geoff and Carol, his cousin Tony, long-term partner Kate, their three children, his three children from his first marriage, and many friends both within the moving industry and elsewhere. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced.