Paul Felton has taken over from Moore Shanks as the manager of MTC (Movers Trading Club) – now MTC Ltd - in the UK.
MTC is a member of OSA (Overseas Shippers Association) that negotiates freight rates on behalf its moving industry members annually. Paul’s role will be to work with OSA to ensure that the interests of the UK moving industry are fully represented. 
Paul worked for around ten years with OMNI (Overseas Moving Network International) that provided management services to OSA. After leaving OMNI in 2009 he joined TEAM for six years and, most recently, Gerson Relocation, part of the AGM Group. As such he has exceptional experience at working with OSA and has his finger firmly on the pulse of the moving industry in the UK and the demands upon it.
“It was not an easy decision to leave Gerson Relocation, it was a really fun place to work,” said Paul. “But the job at the MTC fits my experience perfectly.”
As part of his role Paul will work with OSA during the freight negotiations that run from 1 March each year, manage the rates during the year and collect and distribute rebates as appropriate. “I want to get a lot more active during the negotiation phase and make sure that the UK gets the best deal we can,” said Paul. He will also make sure that the data on the MTC’s Freight Rate Finder (FRF) and the OSA Rate Information System (ORIS) is up to date for members, reflecting any adjustments that are made to rates and services throughout the year. Paul will also manage MTC administration charges and Volume Incentive Discounts (VID), through OSA, from the shipping lines.
MTC Ltd is an NVOCC (Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) with a tariff lodged with the FMC (Federal Maritime Commission).
Photo: Paul Felton