Arpin Strong, a US-based organisation that provides financial assistance to victims of tragedies and natural disasters throughout the world, is celebrating its fifth anniversary.
Employees from the Arpin Group founded Arpin Strong in 2013 following the Boston Marathon bombings to show support for the relief efforts. The scope of the programme has since expanded to aid the victims of disasters around the world. 
Michael Killoran, Treasurer of Arpin Strong said, “Arpin Strong has had an amazing five years, raising well over $315,000 for charity and donating to about 150 causes.”
Today, Arpin Strong seeks to address more than disaster relief and supports a wide range of causes. These include medical research and treatments, environmental preservation, education, support for veterans and first responders, efforts to curb domestic abuse and homelessness, feeding the hungry and other social issues.
The organisation continues to grow by looking for new ways to help those in need. In the years ahead, it aims to extend more opportunities for Arpin employees to become involved.
Photo: Arpin Strong, helps unload a truck while building homes for the homeless in Guadalajara Mexico.